The end of summer has always been a mixed bag of emotions for me. While some people are sad when summer ends, I am energized. When I was young, late August always brought excitement because my birthday is August 24. The stores were full of back-to-school supplies, teachers were back in their classrooms, and the new school year held many possibilities for friendships and fun. The county fair also happened around my birthday, and some of my favorite presents were things I received from friends who had gone to the fair thinking of me
I started college on my 18th birthday, and from then on my birthday meant the end of vacation and the beginning of a lot of work. In my early career, there was the rush of getting ready for the start of a new performing arts season in September. As a teacher, it was lesson plans and preparing for my students. Then as a mom of school-age kids, it was an endless barrage of forms to fill out, things to buy, activities to schedule, and deadlines to worry about.
So this week, in preparation for my next trip around the sun, I’m deliberately deciding what to take along for the ride and what to leave behind. I’m packing my humor, patience, and peace. I’m letting go of anxiety, worry, and doubt. I don’t want to bring more emotional and physical stuff than I can comfortably carry. I want to move through life with ease.
This summer I decluttered my kids’ rooms as I moved one college graduate out and switched the 18-year-old into that room. That left the spare bedroom to become my office and guest room, so I intentionally decluttered the bookcase, papers, office supplies, and tchotchkes and kept only what I wanted to surround myself with: plants, desk toys, a few shiny red sculptural things that I like touching, good books, favorite pens, organized files, and a footstool from my great grandmother’s apartment.
My daughter also helped me go through things in the garage and we made at least a dozen people happy with the things we let go. That’s what I’m bringing on my journey: fewer things, more space, and the satisfaction that I’ve made other people happy while they are doing me a favor.
I’m leaving old dreams, interests, and expectations behind. Gone are the things I thought I or my kids would use. I am embracing my new life as an author, professional organizer and consultant, podcast guest, and mother of young adults.
So what are you packing on your next trip around the sun? Only take what is beautiful, useful to you, fits your life now, and makes you happy. Keep your favorites and what helps you be your best self.
Birthday Special - My Gift to You!
From now until August 24, if you can tell me what the last sentence is in This Mess is Making Me Stress, I will give you one free hour of virtual organizing advice via Google Meet to use by the end of the year. After you buy the book, go to the Contact page at and fill out the form telling me the last sentence. I will contact you and we can set something up, or you can give this (and the book) as a gift to someone else. Tell your friends!
Would You Like a Guest Speaker?
I am available for appearances, podcasts, and book signings! I am happy to speak to your group or venue (either in-person or virtually) about decluttering, organizing, downsizing, showing your home, packing, moving in or out of your home, or any other advice tailored to your audience. There is no fee if it is local or virtual - all I ask is the opportunity to sell my book in advance and after the program. Click here to read more about me, and contact me here to book.
“But I Spent So Much On This!” - How to Let Go
You are torturing yourself by keeping the items you feel bad about spending money on with you. Why punish yourself over and over? Flip the script! "Yes, I shouldn't have spent money on it. But I don't have to be punished for the rest of my life."
Foolish spending decisions do not warrant a life sentence. When you know better, you do better. Pick out the things you love that make you happy, not guilty. You will never get enjoyment out of them if you feel guilty every time you look at them. Then cut your losses and get rid of those things that have a negative attachment.
Take them out every day and go to the donation center or schedule a pickup every week. Don't let it pile up. Your life sentence with the objects of your torture is over. They are being released and you are being rehabilitated.
Join the This Mess is Making Me Stress! Facebook Group
Share your struggles, triumphs, and advice! The Facebook group This Mess is Making Me Stress aims to be a source of inspiration, tips, and encouragement for each other as we declutter and organize our homes and lives. Post questions and pictures, and get answers, suggestions, and support from the group including a professional organizer (me!) It’s a private group, and everyone is welcome to post. Click here to join.